"Photography serves to function like our memory and it may be more reliable than the human mind as a moment captured in time remains the same forever. Memory, on the other hand, is intriguing, elusive and seemingly selective.
The Collective Memory: Haw Par Villa is a project by local photographer Deanna Ng who is interested in examining how the human mind stores and processes information that is captured over time - how we mentally remember places and events in our lives in comparison to the use of photography as a form of memory of which its accuracy is somewhat proven by how it has been etched out permanently on film. The artist invited people to share photographs of themselves that were taken at Haw Par Villa between 1965-1985 and restaged the photographs with their subjects at the same spot in present day.
During the collection and restaging process, Ng discovered puzzle pieces that were missing from her memory of the unique theme park as she received photographs of various areas in the park that were never recorded in her mind as a visitor in her childhood days.
The project that consists of more than 50 photographs forms a collective memory of the Haw Par Villa where everyone chipped in to share parts of their fond memories of the place and the unique experiences that were never part of someone else's memory even though they visited the same place. This brings the artist to question the completeness and reliability of archival photography. If what had been captured in photographs form part of our history records, what about the parts that had not been captured? Do they cease to exist because no one recorded them mentally or in print?"
- Curator Jezlyn Tan
Commissioned by the Arts House for LumiNation: 2019

1969 - 1970. "Family outing to Haw Par Villa" - Chia Cheng Khoon, 53, Andy Chia, 59 and Chia Cheng Chye, 55

1984. "Our first experience with the local culture back in 1984. Frequently visited Haw Par Villa then Tiger Balms Gardens as our uncle lived close by." - Ramaswamy Viseswaran, 45, and Ranjani Viseswaran, 43

1985. "There was an on-the-spot art competition held at Haw Par Villa and all I wanted was to go home after being in the sun for the entire day." - Sharon Chen, 38

1979. "I thought the "sit- on-the-tiger" pose was quintessential for kids visiting Haw Par Villa. Turns out there's more! It's still my favourite memory of Haw Par Villa even though I look super grumpy." - Deanna Ng , 43

1973. "The elephant looks smaller now." - Koh Tong Wey, 47 & Loh Yin Yeok, 76

1973. "My dad was bornt in the year of the tiger. That's why we took a photo here." - Gwee Li Sui, 48 & Gwee Seng Hong, 81

1983. "I cannot remember. My parents brought me there" - Foong Wei Jiet ,38

1985. "A outing for children (us) where Haw Par Villa is one of the stops. We were at East Coast before this." - Joyce Ng, 40 , Colin Choo, 40 and Brenda Choo, 42

Late 1960s. "Outing with friends and sister" - Chew Lan See, 63

Late 1960s. "Outing with friends and sister" - Chew Lan See, 63 and Chew Kim Lan, 65

1985. "A outing for children (us) where Haw Par Villa is one of the stops. Were at East Coast before this." - Choo Ying Hui Colin, 39

1969."I just finished my secondary school education and my friend asked me to model for him. So I did!" - Iris Chong, 69

10 June 1973. "Family outing during school holidays and also weekend." - Hector Lim, 60, Hercules Lim, 59, Hubert Lim,57 and Harold Lim, 54.. Photo:10 June 1973

1973. "My father asked me to pretend to help the old lady who slipped" - Moses Lim Cher Yang, 56

1970's. "Our dating days. We were chaperoned by my youngest brother." - Tan Gek Noi, 67 & Ng Kok Keong, 70

1979. " I don't know why your brother was crying. I guess he wanted to come down and stand next to you." - Tan Gek Noi, 67, Jeremy Ng, 42 and Deanna Ng, 43

Late 1960s. "My father has just bought his first car and my elderest brother drove us out to Haw Par Villa for a photo taking session." - Loh Yin Yeok, 76

Late 1960s. "Outing with classmates." - Koh Nia Chuan, 77

1973. "Family visits" - Gwee Li Sui, 48, Gwee Li Choo, 50, Gwee Seng Hong, 81 & Soh Hwee Noil, 78

1973. "We grew up in the same kampong. We started dating when we were 15 and got married at 26." - Soh Hwee Noil, 78 & Gwee Seng Hong, 81

1985. "Taking a break after bringing the kids out to East Coast and Haw Par Villa." - Siew Bing Ru, 73

1969. "Family Outing" - Liane Loo, 55

1980. "My sister and me on a day at Haw Par Villa. I'm shorter than her then." - Eileen, 45 & Eddie Lim, 42

1984 ”Haw Par Villa was one of my mother's favourite park. She not only loved to bring friends and relatives to visit the park, she loved to take pictures too. Thanks to her, we still have this set of photographs as memory. " - Chua Geok Hong, 63

1984 “The most memorable exhibit is the then 18 levels of hell. While looking at a statue having its tongue cut off, my Mum warned us not to tell lies. "If you tell lies, this is what you have to go through after death!" she exclaimed as my brother and I gulped with fear, looking away in disgust. I couldn't get over that image. We do not have a photograph of this exhibit but it got stored in my permanent memory, unfortunately. I guess it was just too horrific for us to take pictures with. We do have many pictures of the other "more friendly" exhibits. A pose with the famous tiger and the laughing Buddha is a must. So are the many other exquisites statues that we have not seen before. They fill us with awe.” - Oh Ping Nee, 43

1978 - 1980 “This photo was taken on one Sunday which was my birthday. I went out with friends and it was around the years when I was still working.” - Linda Fang, 69

3 Aug 1970. ”I was a Malaysian and this was my first trip to Singapore to visit my Singapore pen pal, the man in the photograph. He later became my husband. We went to Haw Par Villa because he was keen to show me around and we decided to visit some famous landmarks in Singapore.” - Low Guat Hong Betty, 69

1981. "全家出来走走,看看历史古迹" - Alice Tan Sai Luan, 61

26th January 1982. "Chinese New Year 2nd day. Visit to Haw Par Villa." - Irene Lim, 56

1981. "First visit to Haw Par Villa" - David Chew, 45

1979. "I remember that the stairs were near the Spanish dancers." - Lau Mun Fong, 70

1970. "Parents brought relatives from China to visit Haw Par and we came along." - Teo Suey Sung,55 & Teo Tua Sung, 55

Circa 1979, 1980. “I remember feeling like I was in some horror show at some parts of Haw Par Villa. I always burst into tears whenever my parents place me on some of the statues, especially the tiger statue, to photograph me. This was one of the very statues I was not afraid of. The other 2 photos shows me being comfortable at those 2 spots, especially at the pagoda. The pagoda was one of my favourite places as do for other kids. It’s where we come together to play catching and hide and seek.” - Gel Yeo, 44

1980. “I don’t have memories of going to Haw Par Villa at this age, so thank goodness my dad was a photography enthusiast and took photos of my brother and me. I find it a little hard to believe that HPV still exists, considering how much Singapore has changed and modernized. But I do like the idea of HPV remaining a part of Singapore’s history because it’s really unique.” - Jodi Lee, 42

1973. “We were New Town Secondary School mates from different classes. We had a group outing at Haw Par Villa in 1973. We are excited to have a re-shoot of these young days memories as we are hitting 60 years old this year - a 46 years ago. We also hope these photos publicity will help us to locate one of the girl in these photographs” - Francis Kum, 59 and Jane See, 59

1973. “We are the school girls of New Town Secondary School. We took our photos at Haw Par Villa in 1973 when we are only 15 years old. Very happy to be able to come back and take photos again with a few of our old school mates. Now we are all in our 60's and we're so happy to be able to meet up again. The other 2 school boys is Chee Thong and Cheng Hee which we girls have been contacting each other. Very hapy to see our friends again after so many years.” - Helen Tan Boon Kuan, 60

June 1985. "I was a still a Malaysian then. These pictures were taken during a trip to Singapore with my friends." - Lai Nam, 54

1976. "We were in sec 4 and we took a bus from Katong Convent to Haw Par Villa to take photos after school." - Wong Meng Day, 58 & Lena Loo, 58

Nov 1984.. "I am finally bigger than 猪八戒.“ - Abigael Tay, 39

Nov 1984. . "35 years later, still so hot! " - Tay Hwee Nei, 38

Early 1980s. "Outing with mum." - Philip Poh , 43

1969. "Childhood trip during weekends. Having fun with family." - Tay Seow Yong, 60

Early 1970s. "I used to cry when my dad put me on the statues at Haw Par Villa" - Lim Mu Chong, 55

Early 1980s. "Family visits." - Gwee Li Sui, 48

1969. "Family Outing" - Liane Loo, 55 & Lena Loo, 58.

Late 1969 to early 1970. "Only trip with my parents and perhaps the only black and white photos I have. Courtesy of my kind neighbour who took the photos of us and developed the copies." - Daughter of Mr Soh Ah Bay , 90

Late 1960s. " I was sitting on top of the Buddha's head but I got photobombed by the two kids below." - Ng Kwang Yeow, 65

Late 1960s. "He was always the quiet one in the group." - Lim Choo Huat, 68

1965. " 从这些照片, 让我回忆起在1965三月, 我新婚。两位南洋女中的同学趁华人新年探访我。我们夫妻俩就带着她们游虎豹別墅和花苞山两地。" - Ng Swee Niang, 71